Focus on Italy

Feature: Buying Property
Interested in buying, but not sure where to start. Send me a message using the Ciao box and I will share a presentation we did for the Dante Alighieri Society of BC.
Le Voci del Covid
You might know Montepulciano in Tuscany for its 14th century architecture, pastoral countryside and, of course, the famous Vino Nobile. Typically, tens of thousands of tourists descend on the hilltop town each year, but not in 2020. Having just returned from our home in Montepulciano, we saw and heard how the virus has impacted small business. This videoclip series, Le Voci del COVID-19 di Montepulciano, tells their story.
Covid & apartment rentals
Gianni Tiradritti predicts the tourism apartment rental business won’t be back to normal until 2022.
Covid & coffee shops
Rosana Cretella misses the vibrancy of having people visit the icon coffee bar.
Covid & Wineries
Susanna Crociani’s family has been bottling wine for the past 50 years.
Covid & Artists
Albo Mazzetti is a mosaic artist and says American tourist are his biggest clients. It looks forward to their return.
Covid & the Community
Don Domenico says social media has helped keep people connected.
Covid & School
Mattia and Ettore Minocci talk about what’s different at school.